Indie games of the year.

According to GameTunnel, here are the independent developer games of the year.  Some of these I know, and love.  Some I haven’t ever seen, but plan on checking out.  The soccer game (#10 on the list) looks really cool.  Sorta Sim-Fifa.  And Darwinia made the list.  It’s a cool little game, too.  Check all of the listed games out.

Calvin moment

I like Calvin and Hobbes.  I got the complete collection for Christmas.  I still subscribe to a daily strip update.  It’s some of the best writing ever, and it’s in an easily digestable daily format.  Here is a recent one that tops my list of funny strips.

Snow sharks

A real geek test

If the regular geek test isn’t geeky enough for you, check out this geek test. Why is this one better? Well, check out some of the questions:

  • ROT13 this:trrxfnerterng
  • What does this do: echo $dorks==$geeks?”yes”:”no”;
  • Convert this from ASCII to English:49204561742046726F6773

Now, let me know how that worked out for you. Any one with a score they’d like to share? Let me know in the comments. Personally, I scored an 88:

My computer geek score is greater than 88% of all people in the world! How do you compare? Click here to find out!

Very clever virus?

Whoa!  Just read about the Feebs virus over at F-Secure.  In addition to normal distribution by web download, this virus stays in memory, watches for outgoing mail connections, and when it sees one with a large MIME attachment injects itself into the attachment.  This won’t make for a fast spreading virus, but it will make for smarter and more difficult to detect virus spread.

Sharing fat pipes with friends

How cool.  Looks like a couple of companies are working on technology to make it easier to connect multiple high-speed home connections to share big fat data pipes with multiple people.  If you hit that connection when none of your friends/neighbors are, you could get some absurdly high speeds through inexpensive home lines.  I’m very interested in this.

Apple fixes small privacy rights issue

I didn’t write about the original problem, but apparently Apple has fixed an issue in which personal information was sent to Apple when users shopped in the iTunes store (and since I don’t shop there, I’ll admit to not carefully reading up on the problem).  The fix is a simple and obvious one.  Now, when shopping, there is a note that your system can send some information to Apple about your browsing, and Apple can send back recommendations for similar songs and videos.  You have the option of turning this feature on or off.  Which, of course, is the right way to handle the situation.

Bush’s illegal eavesdropping leads nowhere?

Current indications are that the wiretapping which should lead to the removal of the current president were of little value.  And this isn’t just the case according to the liberal media.  This conclusion comes from the people performing these illegal eavesdropping measures.  So, we as a nation have a president who is willfully, very intentionally, and arrogantly ignoring laws put in place to protect American’s rights so he can gather nearly no useful information?  Wow, he continues to show himself a bad president in my eyes.