You can finally order your Optimus keyboard from ThinkGeek for a mere $1600. Well – you can kinda… While checking this to make a post, I noticed it is currently out of stock. But this is a bit of forward movement from the last 2 years of story-without-substance.
Just some of the highlights/features of this keyboard:
- Revolutionary Keyboard Features a tiny OLED screen on each key. 113 screens total.
- Play a GIF animation or Quicktime movie on a Key
- Key sets can be linked to an application, so whenever you open that app the appropriate keys come up
- Built in USB hub
More features listed on the product page at ThinkGeek. One suggestion I’ve heard is encoding your favorite pr0n and setting it to play across all keys, but honestly that sounds rather infeasible. I *would* like to have one and set it up with animations and key images for the kids when they are playing their games. But I’m going to have to wait until one of these comes out for under $100 before trying anything like that. Probably in 2-3 years, we’ll have that reality, though, right?
[tags]Optimus, Keyboard, OLED, ThinkGeek, YouTube, video, Stuff I want, $1600 keyboard[/tags]