Gordon Freeman calls Coast-to-Coast AM

Man, this is hilarious.  Have you ever listened to the kook-show Coast-to-Coast AM?  Well, listen as Gordon Freeman, of the Black Mesa Research Facility, calls in and shares concerns about a mysterious person at his workplace that he and security-guard buddy Barney call the G-Man.

That’s just rich, isn’t it?

[tags]Gordon Freeman, Barney, Security, GMan, G-Man, Half-Life 2, Coast to Coast[/tags]

More kid pics

huey-and-daniel_zoo2-resize.jpgBecause it’s my web site and I haven’t posted much about my family lately, I think I’ll post more images of my kids. This is another shot from the zoo taken late last summer. You’ll notice that this picture suggests my kids and I went to the zoo without their mother. That’s pretty much how it happens 80+% of the time.

As you could see in the last picture, the boys used to get inside the space behind that totem pole mask in the picture. This visit, there was a new sign (in red behind the littlest one) that asks people to not climb on the totem pole. Guess we’ll not be doing more pictures of them on/in the totem pole.

My kids

Here’s a picture of my two sons taken late this past summer.


I realize recently I have very few pictures of my older son.  I’ll be working on rectifying that soon, and will probably share some of the pictures here when I do that.

Anyone remember when he just danced in his underwear?

You know you’re the only one that can really help.

Tom Cruise explains why Scientology is so important.  The above quote?  Well, that’s why a Scientologist must stop to help when they see an accident.  No one but a Scientologist can help.

I think I’d rather see him nailing Rebecca De Mornay on a subway again – he was much more entertaining before he started calling Psychiatry ebil, ebil, EBIL I tell you and telling the world that Brooke Shields is a bad mother.

Props to Defamer for catching this for our viewing, um, pleasure (?) before YouTube ripped it down.

Didn’t get a chance to watch the terrifyingly creepy Tom Cruise video yesterday before Scientologists pulled it off YouTube? Well, we’ve managed to get our hands on a copy and now we’d like to invite you to watch in all its technicolor glory.

Tom rules you all.  Oh, and this video is painfully stupid to watch and listen to.

[tags]Scientology, Tom Cruise, WTF, Stupid, Really – WTF?, I mean it – WTF?, Bat Shit Crazy[/tags]

Where’s my humanoid robot?

Looking back through the Blahg, I noticed that I haven’t heard anything about the Nao robot since I first mentioned it in 2006.  I tried to find out more, but there’s still no word on availability of this robot which was planned for a 2007 release.  Now I’m not criticizing the company for failing to deliver in the expected time frame – I’m a techie and a gamer, and accustomed to promised tech coming in late.  In fact, I’ve been thinking about it, and I’ve decided the reason for the delay was probably so they could upgrade the visual system to include a killer-death-ray laser option, or maybe a frikkin’ sharks with frikkin’ laser beams on their frikkin’ heads shooting from a frikkin’ shoulder-mount cannon add-on.

Sadly, the robot is originally specced for only 22 inches in height, so adding the cannon would almost certainly require a form-factor upgrade.

[tags]Frikkin’ Sharks, Frikkin’ Laser Beams, Killer-death-ray, Aldebaran Robotics, Nao[/tags]