I have to get a stack of these to apply to idiots in the future. Only $30 for 100. Put me in charge, and everyone that deserves one gets one.
[tags]I park like an idiot, Bumper sticker for idiots[/tags]
The most valuable supply of worthlessness on the web
I have to get a stack of these to apply to idiots in the future. Only $30 for 100. Put me in charge, and everyone that deserves one gets one.
[tags]I park like an idiot, Bumper sticker for idiots[/tags]
All airlines would be required to have a certain minimum percentage of passengers carrying firearms on the plane before being allowed to take off. With this precaution in place, other passengers would no longer be denied the opportunity to carry such dangerous objects as butter knives and nail clippers on flights.
[tags]TSA idiocy, If I were king[/tags]
People who listen to their radios so loud that you can’t hear your own radio when you are next to them at a traffic light would have their radio removed from the car. If they want to get a new one, that’s up to them. But another offense will result in another radio removed.
[tags]If I were king[/tags]
News outlets talking about stuff I don’t care about would be jailed – 30 days for the first infraction, 360 for the next, and the death penalty for the last.
[tags]If I were king, Stuff I don’t care about[/tags]