Gordon Freeman calls Coast-to-Coast AM

Man, this is hilarious.  Have you ever listened to the kook-show Coast-to-Coast AM?  Well, listen as Gordon Freeman, of the Black Mesa Research Facility, calls in and shares concerns about a mysterious person at his workplace that he and security-guard buddy Barney call the G-Man.

That’s just rich, isn’t it?

[tags]Gordon Freeman, Barney, Security, GMan, G-Man, Half-Life 2, Coast to Coast[/tags]

Hunger strike – shocking photo!

While I’m on a image kick, here’s a news-clipping a former cow-orker shared with me recently.  I think the headline completely conveys the enormity of the situation and the risk this hunger strike brings.


Hopefully she’ll pull through this all right.

[tags]Hunger strike, Newspaper, News clippings, News, Hunger, immigration, vigilantes[/tags]

Hannah Montana fans whine over, well, nothing

Boo-hoo. Cry me a river. Some Hannah Montana fans are apparently upset that for approximately 120 seconds during the Hannah Montana tour appearance, Miley Cyrus is off-stage and a body double plays the part so Ms. Cyrus can change from character Hannah Montana into real-sefl Miley Cyrus.

“Then they covered her with a black sheet and she went through a secret door. Within a second, a new ‘Hannah’ came out of a different door wearing oversized white glasses. The whole time this was happening Miley’s vocals were still playing. The new imposter had her back turned while she danced, trying to hide that fact that she was not Miley Cyrus. At this instant I became very suspicious.” (See video of the switcheroo.)

“Needless to say I was furious!” the irate fan added. “I paid good money to see the concert. I was disappointed and I felt like I was played for a fool.”

No comment shows in the story about what fools such fans are for paying as much as $2565 per ticket for the concert. Perhaps those fans should see their scalpers about a refund for the 1% of the concert that was “disappointing” due to a human-being needing to change clothes/costume.

Clearly the people complaining have no idea what real concert rip-offs are.  Anyone remember the pure lip-sync concerts of the 70s and 80s?  Milli-Vanilli?  Probably still going on, but I haven’t been to a concert in almost 20 years (yes, I’m that old, folks), so I don’t know what they are like now.  I was initially going to say I can’t believe anyone could get upset over something like this, but then I remembered that fans and needs of reality don’t have anything in common in general.

[tags]Fools, Idiots, Imbeciles, Miley Cyrus, Hannah Montanna, Lip sync, Concert,  Stupid[/tags]

Album meme

Like many others on t3h intarp!pes, I’ve been caught by an interest in this new band/album meme that’s hitting the bit-ways. Looks like I got lucky with my hits, as I’m apparently forming a New Age band paying tribute to a favored actor with a relaxation and self-realization album/CD.

  1. The first article title on the Wikipedia Random Articles page is the name of your band.
  2. The last four words of the very last quotation on the Random Quotations page is the title of your album.
  3. The third picture in Flickr’s Interesting Photos From The Last 7 Days is your album cover.

Some quick page hits and 10 minutes in GIMP finding the fonts that catch my fancy and I present for you:

Continue reading “Album meme”

Genuises at work

I just received this picture and accompanying text in an email from my brother:

geniuses-at-work.jpgThese men are concreting solid steel pillars to stop vehicles from parking on the pavement outside a sports bar downtown. They are cleaning up at the end of the day.

I don’t know where he got the image, but it is inspiring enough to share.

[tags]Genius, Men at work, Funny[/tags]

Celebrity geeks

Cracked.com routinely cranks out great articles, and their recent “8 Celebrities You Didn’t Know Were Geeks” is no exception. I first opened this up (courtesy digg) figuring it would just be of interest to me. But since the first celeb listed is the uber-sexay and even smarter Natalie Portman, I figured I could post here just so I could post an eye-candy pic of Ms. Portman.

natponerd3_clip.jpgWhen Golden Globe winner Natalie Portman was 10 years old, a representative of Revlon found her at a pizza parlor and asked her if she wanted to model. Portman turned her down and said that, all things considered, she would much rather act.

. . .

By the time she got her bachelor’s, she had studied four languages in addition to Hebrew, the language of her birth, had been published in professional science journals twice, killed an ass-load of aliens, and generally made us look like big human-shaped piles of poo. Seriously, when we were 10 years old, we wanted to be doctors or space cowboys or, at the very least, fire fighters. The closest we’ve gotten so far is one of those little shiny red fireman helmets.

I’ve been a fan of hers since watching Léon (aka The Professional for us in the US – which, BTW, is when I became a fan of Jean Reno as well). And I’ve long know she was intelligent. But I had no idea just how brainy she was. Smart, way damn sexy, so, so, so very pretty, and she can deal an alien ass-kicking to make your eyes pop out. And have I mentioned she super hot?

[tags]Natalie Portman, geeks, Stuff I want, Eye Candy[/tags]

I want to be Neatorama!

One of the absolutely greatest sites on the great wide intarw3b is Neatorama. I like it almost as much as I like boingboing (which gets bonus points because of Cory Doctorow – one of my favorite online peoply-persons – and Xeni Jardin – one of the sexiest online weblishly-folks), particularly because the frequent oddities that get posted like this Ultimate Geeks compilation.

Tracking down and posting all this greatness is inspiring, and I wish I had the time, tenacity, and skill to find and put together all the cool stuff that they give us over at Neatorama.

[tags]Neatorama, Ultimate geeks, YouTube, boingboing[/tags]